Cooking Day!
Our riad offered a cooking class for about 40 bucks, you go with someone to the market to buy your ingredients and then you come back for a cooking class! This is so up my alley...Susie and I were so excited. We actually thought all four of us would be cooking but the kitchen was as big as my closet so there was no way in hell all of us could fit in there.
Off to the souks! I'm glad we got to go with Kalil because he went waaaay farther in than we ever wandered off to.

This isn't what the instructions say to do on your box of couscous!! We were amazed at the process she went through to make this!

Well this really didn't end up being a cooking class. There was a huge language barrier, although Kalil was there to translate...and we didn't do much except chop and peel vegetables and add spices whenever she told us to. After we put it all together they told us to come back at 7 for dinner. I guess it had to simmer for a few hours. We didn't get to help her assemble everything at the end but we had fun anyways! I'm so bummed I couldn't understand her name, and I was too embarrassed to ask a third time. She was so sweet, and she gives the best hugs!!

Our menu for the evening, chicken and beef tajine with couscous (the couscous is on the bottom so you can't see it). Once again there was way too much food but our bellies were very happy!

Our dessert was some kind of pear thing. I hate to say it but it was kind of nasty. Just think of spraying a can of Pledge into your mouth. That's exactly what it tasted like. Well I think that's what Plegde would taste like if i did. blech.

What does Moroccan cuisine taste like? Is it spicy like Indian cuisine? Looks like they use a lot of vegetables. The pear dessert looks good, but I can imagine what I taste like by your description. 🤢. LOL
Moroccan food is actually really tasty. They use a lot of spices so there's a ton of flavor, not necessarily spicy though. You can always add your own, my cousin always did, but i didn't need any. They use a lot of fresh produce in their dishes and their marketplaces are amazing. I would totally shop there if I needed to cook!
How fun!! The food reminds me of the place we went to in Kailua, Wonder if it's still there.
Casablanca? Yup it's still there! Did you go with us a loooong time ago with Dr Sue? I can't remember, I don't think I was with the company that long when we went. I was grossed out cause we all had to eat with our fingers!
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