Sheesh, you'd think I just woke up or something!

Randy got bored listening about carpets so he went upstairs to take a look

yawn! This is the part where I was getting really sleepy

Marrakech...spooky name for a spa huh?

Randy and I rode the tuktuk to the Jewish section where they sell all the spices. I couldn't resist...

From the bottom right, going clockwise, whole coriander, whole nutmeg, spicy paprika, 35 spice Moroccan blend (used for tajine), cumin and coffee beans. All super cheap. 100g for about $2. I wish I bought more of the 35 spice blend. I made chicken with it when I got home and loved it. I looked it up online and for 4oz it was $15!!! 100g is a little under 4oz.

Note: if you buy coffee and spices, DO NOT PACK THEM TOGETHER...randy got home, made him a cup and it tasted like cumin!! ahahahahaaaa!!

I think Randy paid two bucks to this guy to take his picture. Pretty cool though!

I love these two pics!

The older guy in the front is Khalid. We just loved him!!

This is the women's restroom at Lisbon airport. cute yah!

These chips taste nothing like mint or chili pepper but they were yummy!

We stayed one last day in New York while Susie and Evam went back home. Made a couple "had to" stops along the way
Gray's Papaya

Russ and Daughters...their pastrami cured salmon is to die for!

A friend mentioned to me that I should try Levain Bakery. She told me their cookies were out of this world! Holy crap. She wasn't kidding. According to Randy "this ain't no damn cookie!"

We weren't really sure what to do on our last day so we chanced looking for a matinee that we could catch. Lucky for us we found two tickets to "Burn This," a play that starred Adam Driver and Kerri Russell. This is a limited engagement so we were stoked to get tickets! It was a great show too!

Decent seats too! Sorry, I just noticed that it's crooked, but i'm too lazy to fix it :-)

Overall this was a great trip!! We enjoyed much more than we thought we would! Thanks for the invite Susie and Evam!