We arrived in Udaipur and the first thing everyone noticed was how clean the city was compared to everyplace else we've been. I think this was my favorite stop of the trip, our guide was excellent and yah, like I said it was CLEAN! heheh. It was kinda drizzly so most of my pics were taken with my phone, which I'll post later.
Itinerary for the day:
Breakfast on board 7:00
Arrival at Udaipur 8:00
Departure for sight seeing 9:00
Lunch at 5 star hotel 1:30
Boat ride 2:30
Return to POW 3:30
Departure for Jaisalmer 4:00
Dinner on board 8:00

For a guy who doesn't like taking pictures, he sure is weird. He made me take a bunch of him like this to make it look like he was standing in the rain

I love this wall!

This is a good picture of our group...we had a really nice mix of people. The lady in pink on the left is Louise, her and her husband John are on a 52 day vacation. Right after our tour was done they rushed off to the airport because they had to catch a flight to Nepal. They were gonna hike in Kathmandu!! The guy front and center is our guide, I can't for the life of me remember his name. Behind him...I have no idea who that is. He doesn't even look familiar. I wonder if he snuck in to listen. That Chinese guy in the back is from Hong Kong, a businessman. The guy in the blue is Kieran and his wife is in the front next to the lady in red. They were a crack up. They are from London and I hope we somehow keep in touch, Randy and I really liked them. The lady in red and the older guy in back are from India, he owns a steelsmith? company. I think that's what he said. And the lady on the far right is one of the Brits. I can't remember her name but her and the other ladies were a hoot. And last but not least is Anil. He's the Indian guy in the gray. He lives in Minnesota with his wife Kate, they are in IT management. He has family in Udaipur and he mentioned that he was meeting up with them when we arrived. I was convinced that our guide was his younger brother. I saw them talking when we got off the bus so I was telling Randy that they must be related. Come to find out they just met that morning. THEY TOTALLY LOOK ALIKE! I shoulda got a picture of them next to each other. A bunch of people did ask them if they were brothers though, so I'm not the only one!!

I forget where these guys were from but the guy on the left has done 7 Ironman Triathlons!!

I just realized that all of my boat ride pics are on our phones, so I guess I'll be showing you that later. oops. Tomorrow we're off to Jaisalmer!
I love love love that group photo where the one girl in the center is the only one looking at you. Would make a neat bridal party shot. Randy's rain picture is cool too. The buildings and gardens are so beautiful. No more five-star-hotel lunch photos?
Nice! Was it as hot and humid as the other places you visited? It looks like it was cooler, everything looks green The pics of Randy does look like it was raining. LOL
Hmmm Jalna I never even noticed the girl staring at me! It would make a cool shot. Ummm our 5 star hotel lunch was a 3 star American standards, food was good but so not worth any pics.
Izsmom - YES. Hot and humid is a very good description. That first place with the fountains was ok but it got pretty muggy throughout the day. It was like that everyday. UGH.
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