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Friday, October 11, 2019


Hi all...yah I've been MIA for awhile, mostly because of laziness but I'm back and I'm gonna have lots to share with you soon!  Before I start posting I want to talk about India.  Randy and I have wanted to go for a long time now, we love Indian food and we've heard great things about the place but we never could fit it in to our schedules.

So first of all, whatever you heard about India, whether it being stink, lots of cows and doo doo all over the place, crowded, dirty....yup, it's all true.  AND I LOVED IT!  But I must admit, it's not for everyone, heck, it may not be for many people.  We went on a tour, I personally wouldn't go on my own, I wouldn't want to ride those commuter trains.  I'm not that brave.  But I want to give you guys some tips in case you're interested in going.  I apologize, it's gonna be lots of reading here.

This is a luxury train tour around India.  I'm not gonna get into the specifics since I'm gonna be blogging about it but you can click on the link if you're interested.  But here's my take on them:

1.  This is a LUXURY train tour.  I'm not saying it was crazy expensive but for India standards I guess it is.  We paid $3500 pp for a 7 day train tour.  The train held about 80 people and I swear to God (no exaggeration) Randy and I were the poorest people on the train.  There were doctors, business owners, even an old guy that bought a winery down in Capetown, South Africa!  But don't get me wrong, they all were very nice.  We were expecting a bunch of hoity toity people but no one was even close.  We got lucky.  There were nurses from Brooklyn with us but they were spending money like there was no tomorrow, so yah, they had more money than us.

2.  That being said, like most tours, they always take you someplace to shop at the end of the day.  These are no little gift shops, these are carpets, silk, jewelry, marble, you get the picture.  They say "no pressure" but these guys are aggressive.  If you're alone walking around just browsing, a salesperson will follow you the whole time.  It was very uncomfortable.  I kept telling them I was just looking but they kept telling me "i'll give you a good price!"  So, I'm assuming that since we can afford this tour we can afford all of these expensive goods.  I don't think I would've bought a lot of it even if I did have the money!

3. Tips.  We didn't technically spend a lot of money in India but we spent a crapload on tips.  We had to tip our wait staff (2 guys that were assigned to us the whole time on the train) a recommended $25 to each of them at the time of boarding.  I thought that was kind of strange.  Then at the end of the tour, another $25, $50 to the train manager and $50 to the chef/kitchen staff.  And anytime anyone grabbed your bags, whether you want them to or not, they're expecting a tip.  Then of course there's the bus drivers, the daily tour guides, etc.

4.  Since you need money for tips, getting small money is a pain in the ass.  Of course if you go to the ATM you're gonna get bigger bills.  Then you go someplace to buy something to break the big bills they tell you that we need smaller change.  The best places to go are convenience stores or your hotel.  Our train manager had small bills that he would give to us sometimes but other times we had to just stiff our driver because we didn't have any small change.

5.  The food on the train was ok...i'd give it about a 3.5 out of 5 stars.  I was hoping it was gonna be better.  I love Indian food but it all started to taste the same after awhile.  Also I ate it everyday for every meal.  I'm Indian'd out.  We did get to eat some street food and those kicked the train's ass.  That was delicious.

6.  The rooms were very comfortable, except that it was FREEZING.  It was cold plus the fan was set on high.  It was very hot everyday that we went out so by the time we came back to the train a lot of times we were sweating and our clothes were soaked.  Then we get into this freezing cold room.  I'm surprised no one got sick.  Of course it felt good for the first five minutes but after that you're shivering.  We asked them to tweak it just a little bit and then the room got hot.  So yah, back to freezing it went.

7.  I'm fortunate that every room has it's own bathroom and shower but the water pressure was so low that it took you forever to take a shower.  That's the least of my worries but I thought I'd mention it. The toilets were weird too.  After you flush, it was one of those press button ones, you have to rapidly press the button down lightly until you feel it resist again,  otherwise the water won't fill up in the bowl.  We forgot a couple of times then you'd have to wait a long time before the next person could use the bathroom.

We took a side trip to Varanasi after POW because that's the main reason we wanted to go to India.  Varanasi was incredible.  Here are some important tips before deciding to go there:

1.  Do not go during or right after Monsoon season.  The monsoon season lasts from June - September.  They get heavy rains and high humidity.  We knew this but the reason why we went in September was there was a discount if we booked a tour by the end of the month.  We saved almost $1000 pp.  Now I know why they offered the discount! The rain had stopped but the humidity was INSANE.  80-90% the whole time we were there.  I thought I was gonna pass out.  The moment we stepped out of the hotel you were instantly sticky.  I guess it's still better than rain though, right?

2.  If you know anything about Varanasi, the main attraction are the ghats.  It's the area on the river where you can walk the steps and hang out or take a boat ride on the Ganges to see the sites from the water.  During Monsoon season the tide is so high there are no steps and all boat rides are stopped due to the strong current.  During low tide the water literally drops about 100 yards out from what we had seen.  It was hard to imagine until we looked at pictures online of our hotel during the drier seasons.  I purposely found a hotel on the river looking over the Ganges so we would be close to the ghat and all of the action.  All we saw was water.  Out of all the researching we did before this trip no one ever mentioned this.  You can imagine the disappointment when we checked into our hotel and the guy told us we couldn't go walking on the ghat because there was no place to walk...

3.  A/C is a must!  If you look for a hotel and there is no A/C don't even bother.  I wouldn't be able to function if ours didn't have one.

4.  Watch where you're walking!  There is literally cow dung and dog poop all over the place.  If you're touring the city you may miss some sights because you're too busy concentrating on where you're walking.  The grounds are uneven also so you definitely don't wanna fall in it!!

5.  Tons of cows and dogs walking around and minding their own business.  So cute.  I was in heaven

6.  Getting into the main part of Varanasi from the airport isn't that far, but it will probably take you about an hour and a half to get there.  You think traffic is bad from Ewa?  India has no rules.  Literally.  Lanes on the road mean nothing.  The first 20 miles or so is fast, the next 5 will take you forever.  Tuk tuks, cars, mopeds, motorcycles, cows, rickshaws, pedestrians, bicyclists all share the same small road.  It's insane.  I was getting carsick after awhile.  The drivers have to be aggressive if they ever want to get anywhere so there was a lot of gunning, then braking hard, gunning, then braking hard.  Tons of horns, horns are used as a courtesy and they expect you to honk.  No one gets upset, they just move gently to the side and let you pass.

Last but not least, tips for going to India in general:

1.  If you do decide to go during the warmer months, bring extra clothes.  You think you have enough?  Think again.  I didn't pack enough.  Not even close.  It's a good thing I don't have bad B.O. cause i would've been in trouble.

2. Randy brought a travel size Febreeze which saved us.  We both didn't pack enough and everyday we came back with sweaty clothes

3.  DRUGS!  DON'T FORGET YOUR DRUGS! Delhi Belly is no joke.  My cousin and a few others got it while we were there...
- Cipro (an antibiotic, you gotta get a prescription),
- Immodium
- Pepto Bismol - used as a preventative measure, take one before every meal you'd be worried about
- Ibuprofen
- Probiotics
- Meclizine - I take this for motion sickness.  It's a lifesaver.
- Nauzene - my cousin told me about this.  If you start to feel nauseous pop one of these in and you should feel better
- Get your flu shot!
- Hep A
- Malaria drugs:  Some people say you should take them, some say no need.  My doctor left it up to me.  I took um.  I didn't want to take the chance.  There's no side effects so it was a no brainer for me.  Randy didn't take them.  Someone said there were around 300 cases of Malaria this year.
- Sunscreen

4. The one genius thing Randy did (of course he didn't tell me) was that he packed one pair of clothes that he didn't wear until the day we left.  He didn't want to stink on the plane so he literally changed his clothes at the airport.  So yah, I was all dirty, wearing wrinkled febreezed clothes and he looked like he was just starting his trip.

5.  Snacks.  You should always have snacks handy for your room, bus trips, etc.  You never know when hunger will strike or if you just want something to munch on.  We had almonds, protein bars, candy, beef jerky (hide this from the locals, they'll probably freak out if they saw you eating it!)

6.  Be prepared to start bargaining.  I absolutely hate it but you gotta or else you'll probably get ripped off.  I'll bargain a little and even though i'm probably paying too much it's not worth the headache.  It's mostly likely gonna be cheaper than anything you'll find back home so I just leave it as that.  Plus they're poor. They can use the money.

7.  DON'T DRINK THE WATER!!! Don't even brush your teeth with it.  Water is super cheap, about 60 cents for the big bottle so stock up!

Ok, i'll stop for now.  I gotta get on with my post processing so you can actually see what i'm talking about. See you guys soon!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Never had any interest in traveling to India and after reading your post still don’t want to because you just verified all that I thought it would be like. LOL I easily get carsick, hate traffic, the cow and dog poop all over would gross me out, I have hypochondriac tendencies, I sweat easily, ever since menopause and pretty sure have B.O. hahaha. More than happy reading about your travels and seeing your pics.


Anonymous said...

you guys are so adventurous. Just looking at your medicine list,uh, no thank you. I only want to carry ibuprofen and sunscreen. Maybe a motion sickness inhaler. And, Poop galore! no thank you! My sister went 2 x and she said as soon as the plane doors opened she could smell poop, BO and burning bodies!!!
Lucky think there are tons' more place in Japan I have to see!
But thank you, so impressed with what you had posted before and this info.
My boss's daughter did an intern stretch there and he said that was when Slumdog millionare came out and he was all upset that his daughter was going.

Honolulu Aunty said...

I went to India, twice. Once to New Delhi where it was hot and dry and decent street shopping. Later we went to Bombay - absolutely fantastic architecture but filled with beggars on the street, very sad. So beautiful and yet so depressing. I am not a fan of Indian food but their lamb kabobs were excellent. The class system was super rich and super poor. I wouldn't want to live there and I don't think I want to go back.

Glad you loved it - but then you have so much more adventure in you!

Leslie's pics said...

hahaha Izsmom and V you guys are cracking me up! Either my sinuses are really bad or maybe I got used to it real quick, but I didn't think it smelled too bad while I was there. There were some places that the smell could knock you out but considering how much fecal matter was all over the place there actually wasn't a smell. Randy did say the public bathrooms were disgusting, I have no idea, I guess I was sweating so much I never had to go.

Leslie's pics said...

Aunty - I never got to go to Bombay, it wasn't on our tour and I actually don't know much about it. I know what you mean though, about the class system. We walked around a park in New Delhi in a very rich neigborhood. It didn't even feel like you were in India. Dogs were running around, as pets, not strays, very shiny and healthy. Everyone doing yoga in expensive clothing, our guide said only millionaires could afford to live in that area. I wouldn't want to live there either but I'd love to go back! Just maybe in the winter next time...

jalna said...

Wow, very nice preliminary synopsis! It was so interesting and informative. I didn't know that you actually went on a tour and not on your own like you usually do. For all the luxurious comforts, that was a great price. But like Izsmom, V and Honolulu Aunty . . . I pass. I'll just enjoy your posts. Glad you finally got to go!

Leslie's pics said...

Hahaah Jalna I wasn't sure if you were gonna read it cause had plenty words :-)

jalna said...

To be honest, I usually stop reading anything as soon as it gets boring. But, for real, this post was interesting.

Leslie's pics said...

really? wow. thanks!