We arrived in Delihi (FINALLY!) at 11:45 pm on Sept 23. It was a long commute. Honolulu to Narita, about 8 1/2 hours, 3 hr layover, then Narita to New Delhi, 9 hours. These long flights are killing me. Anyways, the Palace on Wheels company arranged a tour for us for both Tuesday and Wednesday before we boarded the train. There's lots to see in Delhi so I'm glad we were able to arrange that.
Note: You can see other pics on my Instagram feed: les11u. I didn't want to put the same pics on both sites, mainly cause i'm lazy and there's too much to post :-)
This is our guide Subie. He let us sleep in so we started around 10am.

We drove around the city, a lot of sites we didn't actually go to, either it was closed or he said it wasn't worth going in. So we had to take pictures from the bus. But our first stop was Jama Masjid. This was a huge mosque that can hold 25,000 people.

I don't understand why they made us wear these wraps. After I got in I saw other women in short sleeves with no other cover ups. This thing looked ridiculous. The guy put it over my camera bag so I ended up looking like the stay puff marshmallow man!

Oh and another thing. They made us pay 100 rupees for the bathroom slippers that me and Randy are wearing. So they stopped us, but let Susie and Evam go in their socks! WTH? Oh and at the end I was told I could keep them (I figured I should, I could wear them around the train) but the dude was holding out his had like he wanted them back. So I gave it to him. And what did he do? Rip them up and destroy them! Sheesh.
It thought these kids were cute...

They got excited when Susie asked to take a picture with them

After all the driving around we stopped at a co-op carpet production place. We were on the fence on whether we should buy one. We knew that the carpets would be beautiful and we'd probably never get the chance to buy one again. We decided against it in Morocco but we gave in and bought a hand knotted wool carpet. 3'x5'. It's beautiful but we can't put it out until we know Mia won't chew on it! We spent an insane amount of time here, I just hope we didn't get ripped off. You can learn more about Indian carpets here.
Because we were still getting used to the time difference, we ate a late lunch and called it a day. We have another half day tour before heading to the train at 4pm tomorrow. See you then!
another thing I forgot to tell you. When my sis and BIL went to India, my BIL's crown broke. Their guide drove them around the town saying he'll find them a good dentist. His replacement crown cost $2.80!!! LOL, my sis went to his dentist here and told him he was a rip off, at over $800!
HOLY MOLY!! I thought Japan was cheap. Randy had to go to the ER in Japan a few years ago cause he ended up with Bell's Palsy. ER visit, MRI and 6 drugs cost about $185. I was in shock!! Is his crown still in good shape? Or did he have to replace it when he got home?
Wow, exhausted just reading about your flight time from here to Japan, your layover and then flight time to India. I would have major jet lag. 😂 Then looking at your pic and how far you had to walk to the mosque, I think I would have said, I’d wait in the bus, but only if had a/c.
I’m glad I’m traveling through India via your blog. Looking forward to reading more. Will check out your Instagram.
Izsmom - the route home was worse! i'll mention it later when I finally get to that post...luckily that day wasn't so bad (well, compared to the other days!) so we weren't a sweaty mess as quickly.
Wow I've been going along withcha but that is one trip I would never take just cuz of the heat, nevermind the smells - I got a sensitive nose! I rather see India via your experience and camera lens anyway! -N
hahaha yah N, after going there I realized that it's definitely not for everybody. Just gotta breathe through you mouth in some places and not think of the doo doo too much!
OMG, takes so loooooong to get there. I love your cover-up outfit and house slippers. I think I'd rather have stink particles go up my nose than in my mouth. No can. So ewwwwww.
hahahah Jalna you cracking me up :-). By the way, i hated the cover up outfit!
I just remembered to ask my sister about the crown my BIL got in India. She said he still has it, didnt need to redo when he came home. Amazing, yah.
HOLY MOLY! Hmmm, maybe i'll wait till I have to get dental work before I go back. hahaha
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