This is so cute. Look at their iPad cover!
I could soooo get used to this...
Everything was delicious
After lunch we rested a bit and was also presented with a little gift
Before we knew it it was time for high tea...I wasn't even hungry!
I did steal a chocolate chip cookie though. I couldn't resist!
Yup, a full bar was also available
I just love her tongue!!
Oh my Goodness! The food looked scrumptious. They really take good care of you at the Manor. The giraffes are so cute!
Total royal treatment you guys got!!
I know Jalna & Izsmom! It was crazy. I'm so used to staying in dumps that being treated like this was a bit awkward! I'm not complaining but!....I think thats why at all the places they said we were a very easy group to take care of. All they heard was "i'm sorry!" and "Thank you!" None of us were very demanding. Basically all we did was eat and sleep. We were too pooped to do anything else!
SO much to be thankful for, treated like royals! What a nice place!
It was WONDERFUL, Aunty! We were so spoiled!
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