The taxi guy brought us here...The Burj Khalifa is tallest building in the world. 160 stories, 2,716.5 feet tall. Holy Moly. We didn't go up. No time. Plus I woulda hurled in the elevator.

Instead we walked along this waterway to their mall.

Here's me looking all had-its after a 14hr flight

It's almost a Bellagio type scene. I think they also do water shows at night

Then we got to the mall. Sorry, no pics in there. Too dark and too sick. But fun fact, this is the most largest and most visited mall in the world. In 2014 they had 80 million visitors!!! Yikes! It also has 5.9 million square feet of retail space!

Oops. I lied. I took one picture. I thought this was kind of neat. Camel's milk chocolate? I did end up buying this from duty free at the airport. It was good, no weird taste or anything. Nobody died eating it :)

You wondering about the airport? It was very empty and very clean. Weird. This is 3:00 in the afternoon. This place was packed at 3am!

That's all I have on Dubai. Maybe I'll visit there again one day and I'll get more pics for you.
Everything looks so clean, new and huge.
yah, but flying into the airport was sooo different. That's on a different post, my iPhone pics :)
Looks so empty. Wonder where the people are. I was curious if they wear robes and headgear there.
I have no idea where everyone was. I saw a bunch of people at 3am (when we were leaving) with robes and headgear. I can't believe it was so crowded at the middle of the night! Strange yah?!
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