Today is the last day of our journey. I didn't want to leave. It was beautiful here. At least I have one last game drive and luckily the weather was BEAUTIFUL. I couldn't ask for anything more...well, except my giraffe-zebra-rhino shot. I never did get it. Rats!

I love this neutral density filter!

You ever wondered how I got these shots? Yup, this is how. We just found a spot with no doo-doo and made ourselves comfortable!

This is Josh Martin! Yay! You finally get to see his face!

We were pretty darn close...

Just as we were finishing up with the rhinos we got a call from the other land rover that they spotted a cheetah! They said that there's only one cheetah in the reserve and they actually found him. You must think, hmmm, the reserve must be pretty small and it should be easy to find him. THE RESERVE IS 17,500 ACRES. How cool is that??

Notice his belly? He just got done with a kill so he was stuffed to the gills. He was also easy to follow cause he wasn't moving around too fast. I guess I wouldn't be able to either if I just got done eating an antelope!

I got my last glimpse of the black rhino

And he was hanging out with the white rhino!

This is my verrrry slooooow action series:

hahahaah cute yah!

Fun fact: If you see a baby rhino running with its mother, if the baby is in front then that is a white rhino. If the baby is running behind, that's the black....they're not quite running here but they were earlier, hehe

This is the secretary bird. It's the only bird that I remembered its name

Bye bye oryx!

Thank you Robin and the The Safari Collection for a trip I will never ever ever forget!
Love love love the low-to-the-ground ND shots!!! And waaaaahhhhh . . . don't want it to end . . .
BTW, image 1458 is my favorite shot of the trip.
My lay-on-the-ground-watch-out-for-the-doodoo shots? hahaha! Yah those were fun. No worry, still get plennnny more to post. ugh. 1458 is my favorite too! That's exactly what I said on Instagram...
Wow your photos are of such high quality, like the Nat'l Geographic type. Just amazing the detail and clarity...every blade of grass is so sharp. I hope you post all your pixs eventually they are such a cool thing to see. Big Mahalo, N.
Dunno what image 1458 is, but loved them ALL!
Aww thanks N!
Haha aunty...if you hover over the images the image number appears. It's the 4th picture from the top.
Oh, yeah. Dat one. Awesomeness. Really awesomeness.
Wow! Wow! Wow! Love your pics! The leopard with the full funny...Most of the time on TV or in National Geographic they're on the hunt so they look sleek and thin. Truly an epic adventure! Thanks for sharing!
Yah Izsmom, it was funny because we knew the cheetah (yah, I wrote leopard by mistake) was irritated with us cause he just wanted to lay down and sleep. Everytime he got comfortable we found him so he would have to get up and find another hiding place. Good thing he was full or else he woulda ran away instead of just walked!
Hhahaha Aunty, you too kind...
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