AND THIS SUCKS. Why is that damn fold back? I wonder if it's my sports bra. Maybe the blue one is a little looser so it doesn't scrunch all my fat together like the pink one. I think I'm gonna try switch it again on day 60 to see if it looks different. But sheesh. My sister is gone so my meals went back to normal. I was hoping for more change. The only think I can tell is that the stripes on my shorts are a little closer together now and the elastic isn't as stretched out. Damn. Not enough though. :(

And does anyone else's back of the knee look as weird as mines???
Weight: -6 (finally! not sure if it's because I didn't eat dinner before the concert though)
Hips: 44" (-3")
Body fat: -3%
All the rest is the same
Body fat is weird. I could jump on the scale in the middle of the day and it would be down about 7%. When I wake up in the morning it jump backs up a few percentage points. Grrrrr
Christmas is soon. Wish me luck. These next 20 days are gonna be tough
You are doing great! Keep it up! -L
Thanks L, I really could be doing a lot better :(
Looking good, Les!!!
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