Meet Lennox....he's turning one soon and mommy Vikki needed some pics for his invitation. I saw this wall on the internet and I was on a mission to find it! Good thing I plenty friends that pay attention so they knew exactly where it was...It's on the Fisher wall next to Mother Waldron park. It's awesome because since it's not facing the street I didn't have to worry about cars parked in front of it!
I took some test shots before they arrived

So cute yah!!

You and Jalna are so creative in all that you do! So adorable!
Such a cutie pie!!!
Thanks Izsmom! He was an easy project :)
Jalna - he was giggling the whole time! He cried for all of 3 seconds, I have no idea why...probably was me :-\
Thank you Leslie!! I can't wait to use these for the invite!! you're awesome!! i'm glad we got to meet you and Lenny wasn't too bad of a model (got lucky)! Mahalo!
You're so welcome Vikki!! He was adorable...sooooo easy! I'll take pictures of him ANYTIME!!
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