I thought I'd help her out and look for a vegan snack for her to reward her for her suffering (actually she's not suffering too much I think, she wasn't a big meat eater to begin with). I found a recipe for chocolate chip cookies and it looked pretty good. Bonus that I already had all of the ingredients in my kitchen. We were already scheduled to go to brunch with Michele, her cousin V, and fellow blogger Kat so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to try out this recipe. I found it on pinterest but you can get the recipe here
Another bonus, very little ingredients!

I got permission from Jalna to use regular chocolate chips and not vegan since they were semi-sweet and not milk chocolate...
I prepared the dough last night so I could freshly bake them this morning before brunch. It didn't make too much, a little over 2 dozen. I think I'll double the recipe next time.

Success! They came out pretty good, and not as coconutty as I expected. I thought I wasn't gonna like it but I do!

I finally got to use my sealer that Jalna bought me for an early Christmas/birthday gift...uh yah. My birthday is in February. hahaha!!

Soooooo ono!!! I told Landon that we SCORED 'cause you gave a bag for him too!! The recipe looks pretty easy. Not sure if I'll make it though . . . I would end up eating too much of it. But it's such a great reward . . . THANK YOU!!!
ummmm...... that plate looks hilarious !!!
Jalna - I was soooooo worried when I decided to give some to Landon...PHEW!! He liked it! Yaaaay!! Still searching for some more recipes but either I don't know what the ingredients are or they look gross. haha
Dd - I have a set of these from Crate and Barrel, all different designs and I always post my food pics on Instagram with um. So glad someone finally noticed! :-)
Looks delicious!
Thanks Izsmom! It was surprisingly tasty considering there was no butter or eggs in them.
Thank you they were delicious! Kat
You're so welcome Kat! Glad you enjoyed them!
Hi Les,
It was great finally meeting you on Friday. I really liked the cookies too! I thought, how good could these "fake" cookies be, but they were! I ate all of them in one sitting.:(
Hah, my computer at home went kaput this weekend....I think the part that runs the monitor broke because I can't get a feed. I tried a new cable and switching with another monitor and it still had a problem so I guess I'll be dropping it off at Cowabunga.
Nice meeting you too V!! Finally can put a face with the name. Glad you enjoyed the cookies. I made another batch this weekend to give out to my friends at the gym.
Funny you should mention Cowabunga, I finally was able to see Yas yesterday :)
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