Saturday, March 13, 2010
I'm not too sure why, but Jalna had the insane idea of a bunch of us chipping in 50 bucks and have CQ cook a lavish dinner for us. Why CQ agreed to this, I have no idea...the poor woman didn't stop cooking all night! Anyways, all of her hard work paid off, and the dinner was delicious. I think she had enough food to feed the whole neighborhood! Anyways, here's what was on the menu:
Seafood stuffed mushrooms

This pastry thingy with Brie cheese and cranberries



I'm not sure you can read this, but I'm also missing salmon, garlic mashed potatoes, and sauteed shrimp

This is Marvin's friend Jon...since he's new to our little outings, it was only fair that he be put through his initiation...he had to be photographed by me and Jalna. You can call it a "welcome to the family" duty

We also had our share of photo bombers...
Hoo hooo, nice shots Your macros came out great. I better hurry and do mine too.
hahaha...was fun last night! I no like see your macros...I'm gonna be jealous!
Wow, awesome food!! Great pictures, Les.
Yah, I think I must've gained 10 pounds that night!
Frikken Hilarious. I look like Waldo...hahaha!
hahahahaa! I'm gonna buy you a pair of glasses and a striped hat and you can hide in all of my pictures!!!
ITS OVER! Woo Hoo! Your pics make my food look way more delicious! By the way, i started cooking like-3 DAYs ago..haha, prepping stuff. Even my emo daughter said," That was super fun..but dont EVER do that again.."
hahhaaa, I was wondering if it was time to send you to the cuckoo house!! Good job though! It was yummy!
Great shots! The food looks so ONO too!
yah Erick you missed out!!
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