I've never been to Portland so since we were going to Seattle I told Randy I wanted to spend a few days there. The two main places I wanted to see (which actually aren't in Portland) were the coast/Cannon Beach, and Oneunta Gorge.
We left Seattle early on the morning of the 22nd since we only had two nights there. I wanted to get in as much sightseeing as we could. We dropped off our bags at our rental around noon and headed straight for the coast. We started off at Tillamook Factory. I love their cheese and my co-worker Davin said the factory was worth going to. Unfortunately their factory is under renovation so they moved the visitors center to another location for now. They have a little cheese tasting station and then a gift shop...then ICE CREAM!! It was really cheap. Randy had the bright idea of "you might as well get two scoops, it's only a dollar more..." This was only $5! It was HA-UGE. You can't really tell in this picture. I ate about half, then threw it away. It was way too much and my cone broke on me so my ice cream was melting all over me. This is mudslide + mint chocolate chip. YUMMMM

About 15 minutes north you start to hit the coast. It's beauuutiful. We stopped by one of the view points

Soon after you reach the beach area...

I saw this sticker and I thought it was cute

I wanted to stay for the sunset but it was only 6:00 and the sun wasn't going to set for another 2 hours. We didn't want to drive through the dark so we headed back to Portland. Gotta wake up early tomorrow for a quick hike!
OMG . . . so beautiful . . . the ice cream. Nah, I meant the scenery. I love the rocks in the water. Great photos!
hahahaha I think the ice cream pic blows the beach pictures away! :D
Great pics of the coast! Wow! The 🍦 ice cream humongous!
Thanks Izsmom! yah the ice cream was huge. I can't believe people can eat the whole thing!
Wow nice pics! It reminds of the Twilight movies!
SO many rocks! Why? Did they fall off the mountain? Quite lovely!
Michele - yah! and Goonies!!
Aunty - hahaha I have no idea!! Of course I didn't read up on it before I went...sigh...
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