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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bye bye Edinburgh!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

It was our last day in Edinburgh and it was a chilly one!  Not as sunny as the previous days, and the wind picked up a bit.  In other words, we were freezing!  I didn't take any pics today, I was too busy keeping myself warm and we didn't do much sightseeing anyway.  I did, of course get a shot of this morning's breakfast...

 Yogurt with fresh strawberries and honey
 Fresh asparagus on a toasted brioche, topped with a poached egg, shaved parmesan cheese and crispy bacon...i'm gonna miss Paul!
 Randy saying goodbye to Molly :(
 My new friend Paul!!

If anyone is planning on going to Scotland (which I would totally recommend, it's gorgeous!), take a look into 94dr, you won't be disappointed!!!

I'm in London this morning, we arrived at our hotel just before midnight.  So far the weather looks nice, I hope it holds up!! 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Paris keyboard...

I just want to show you what the keyboard looks like in the confusing!

To get the "@" symbol (#0) you gotta press ctrl+alt, then 0! wth?

Another gorgeous day in Scotland...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

It was a sunny 40º day and it was beautiful.  I did end up waking up early to hike up the Crags with Randy.  Ugh.  Not as easy as I thought.  It was quite a workout.  We started out at 6am and finished around 8, just in time for another one of Paul's fabulous breakfasts.

I saw 4 rabbits, but no turkeys :(
Today's menu...
Yogurt with granola, blueberry, raspberry and blackberry compote...homemade of course!

Open faced onion bagel with tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, avocado, fresh basil and bacon! YUMMM!!

We stopped by a convenience store for some coffee and I found these Pringoooooals!  Funny yah? These are the fan cans!

Before we went to the castle we stopped by the National Monument

Yaaay!  We finally made it to the castle.  It was £14.50 to get in.  Kinda steep with the money exchange but we gotta go in, right??

It was beautiful but COOOOOLD up here!!!

We stopped by Bow Bar, a famous pub in Edinburgh if you like Cask Ale then this is the place to go.  I can't tell the difference so I could care less...

Friday, April 27, 2012

Edinburgh Day 1...

Friday, April 27, 2012

It was a beautiful day in Edinburgh today!  We finally got some sun!! It was well worth the wait, it made all that rain worthwhile.  We took a walk around the city in the morning and took a short walking tour in the afternoon.  This city is gorgeous...

Randy woke up early this morning and went on a power walk without me. I was too lazy to get my cold butt out of bed.  I'm sooo bummed I didn't go.  I hope the weather keeps up again tomorrow cause I'm definitely going! He went to hike up an area called the Crags.  He said he saw rabbits and turkeys, and no one else was out there

I didn't realize it but when booking the room, it also came with a breakfast personally cooked by Paul.  This is the dining area that they open up in the morning time for their guests

Today's menu...Randy and I both ordered the homemade yogurt with granola and plum composte (all of it homemade!!!), and Eggs Benedict Royal, which was an eggs benedict with lox instead of ham.  Yum!

Meet Molly, the dog of the house
 We didn't go into the castle today...I noticed that my battery was practically dead.  We had to walk back to the room to get me a new battery :(
When we were walking back to the room I noticed this building with a cow butt sticking out of it.  I have no idea what kind of business it was but it was cute!

  We stopped by a pub for a quick bite before the tour

 This is Frank our tour guide