Hawaii Convention Center
Jalna had asked me if I wanted to go to the Real Word dinner with her at the Convention Center. I jumped at the chance and I was honored that she asked me to go. It was amazing listening to everyone's stories and what this magazine was all about. I was so absorbed what was going on on stage that I forgot to get pictures of Jalna receiving her plaque! Yes! She' s one of the contributing STAFF photographers! Unreal yah!? They even had a HUGE picture of her on the big screen when they called her name! I suck. I should've caught that on film. The main reason why I didn't bust out my camera was because it was extremely intimidating being in the room with some of these people. As I went around looking at everybody's work I felt like I should've turned around and got the hell out of there. I sooooo did not belong there, let alone with my camera!!

I'm not sure the dudes on the left are but the guy on the right is Bruce Omori from Extreme Exposure. Holy crap. Don't compare my wimpy little street light lava pictures to his spectacular shots! He's so awesome and has great connections that he even helped Peter Lik get some of his incredible shots!!

Wow!! Ummm . . . soooooo many pictures of me . . . Thanks so much for being my "date". Your presence helped to keep me calm amongst all the greatness there. That was so awesome of them to give me a plaque. As Rand says, "I'm so unwordy!"
Awesome! Our friend Jalna sure gets around!
You so deserve it...geez you were even working at the dinner!! Thanks for inviting me, it was fun!!
Betty - Yah, she's gonna be BIG soon!!
Hey, I just realized I made a really funny joke . . . I'm so "unwordy" . . . Real "Word". . . "unwordy" . . . get it? okay, never mind . . .
hhahhaa I thought you did that on purpose!
Wow, great shots of Jalna. You have a shot of a guy in my photo club. Small world.
hahaha...she said she's so shame cause I put only pictures of her up here...I got more funnier ones but I thought she'd kill me if I put those up!
WOW! FINALLY shes RECOGNIZED! What an honor for her. She soo deserves it. Yup..too bad u never get that shot of her big picture on the screen..she mustve been blushin..haha!
Okay, I read Erick's comment and I'm thinking which guy is in his photo club, so I went back to look. It's the "dude on the left" Lincoln Ishii, not just "a guy in the photo club". He's the helicopter pilot who rescued Nicholas Iwamoto off of Koko Head Crater after he got stabbed, and he's the guy who took 1st place in the Canon Photo Contest a couple of years ago and we were sooo jellos, and he's also the guy who is featured in the current issue of Real Word Magazine with cool shots he's taken from his helicopter!!
CQ-no, no blushing...she was too busy taking pictures of everybody that she had to RUN up there! hahaha!
Jalna - oi. Ok, I'm so not wordy too...
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