Friday, December 3, 2010
Hawaii Convention Center
Jalna had asked me if I wanted to go to the
Real Word dinner with her at the Convention Center. I jumped at the chance and I was honored that she asked me to go. It was amazing listening to everyone's stories and what this magazine was all about. I was so absorbed what was going on on stage that I forgot to get pictures of Jalna receiving her plaque! Yes! She' s one of the contributing STAFF photographers! Unreal yah!? They even had a HUGE picture of her on the big screen when they called her name! I suck. I should've caught that on film. The main reason why I didn't bust out my camera was because it was extremely intimidating being in the room with some of these people. As I went around looking at everybody's work I felt like I should've turned around and got the hell out of there. I sooooo did not belong there, let alone with my camera!!

Anyways, here we are practicing with my dreaded flash...had to make sure all of our settings were right just in case I did need to take a few shots...

As you can see it wasn't going too good...grrrr...

I wanted to get pictures of Jalna with all of her new she is with Gerilyn Camarillo of
Hokuli'i Images (yup...she's one of the awesome photogs that were there!)

This is
Tui Scanlan, an extremely talented slam poet, and Jalna's friend
Prime, someone who she's blogged about many times, showcasing his awesome graffiti murals

The mastermind behind the magazine, Cheryl DiAngelo

Rani Hanohano, Editorial Assistant

Look what Prime made for Jalna! Cool, huh? He blew up one of her prints and mounted it on canvas!