I've been wanting to go to this sunflower farm for a few years now but never had the chance. They only open it to the public about 6-7 days out of the year and it's always during the week from 12-2ish, when everybody is working. Last year they offered an "artist's evening" where they opened it for one night from 3-7. It was an extremely rainy week so they ended up cancelling it last minute. They offered it again this year and it was kind of sketchy cause the weather has been total crap for the last few days. Luckily it cleared up enough to dry the grounds for this year's Artist Evening...of course I brought Jalna with me to keep me awake on the loooooong drive out to Waialua. I left work early and head out for the north shore
IT WAS BEAUUUUUTIFUL!! So worth the drive. This is what we saw when we got here...

I'm going again with my sister next Wednesday, I hope the weather stays nice and it's not too bright!!