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Friday, July 15, 2016
I don't know what the heck bit me but it drove me nuts while I was in Kauai. My first thought was "OHMYGAWWWWD. WE HAVE BEDBUGS!!" But as I searched and googled, I couldn't find anything on my bed, nor were there any blood spots on my pillow. PHEW! But wth?!? Jalna walked away with not one bite on her.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Hanalei Pier
Jalna and I got to the pier to catch the sunset early. If you saw my post from day one, you know it was REALLY, REALLY early. We got to do a lot of people watching while we got nice and burnt in the sun.

I noticed this guy on a paddleboard with three of his dogs. It was the cutest thing. They looked like they were having a great time.

They were so tiny so he was tossing them up on the air and they got to splash around in the ocean
so cute yah!

I hope you can see this, I forget how to upload a normal size video and i'm too tired to go look it up.
It started to get really hot so we found a nice big tree to sit under. The dogs were running loose and one of them came to hang out with us. This is the dog from my selfie...

I was playing with another dog during the sunrise shoot at Anahola. He was jumping around too much so my selfies never come out :(
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Les & Jalna....The Selfies!
I don't know if you noticed or not, but there's not too many pictures of us on the blog. We took a bunch of selfies on our iphones so I thought i'd compile them all and show them all on one post. We suck at taking selfies. We had to take multiple shots to just get our heads in the picture. This basically sums up our trip....we had such a good time. Hope to do it again soon. Where to next?

I'll tell you about this dog in another post...

yikes. it was windy!

We found our chicken!

We soooo don't know where to look in the camera...

Ok, so this is why Jalna regrets not getting a haircut before the trip. I almost died laughing when we took this picture. I told her she looked like George Washington!!

I sent a pic to my husband when we got back home...

Monday, July 11, 2016
Kauai, Day 3
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Hanalei, Koloa
This is our last day on Kauai and we still need our Hanalei sunrise. Our flight is at 4:30 and we have to make the most of our day. We set a 4:10 alarm again, and this time we left a little bit earlier, about 4:45 because Hanalei is a bit farther than Anahola. I think it took us about 40 minutes to drive out there. The beach was pretty empty, only two other photographers were out there and they weren't in our way for the most part.
Sorry, this is gonna be a boring post because I didn't realize that I didn't bust out my camera very much on this day...so you goin get plenty Hanalei Pier pics! haha.

Hanalei, Koloa
This is our last day on Kauai and we still need our Hanalei sunrise. Our flight is at 4:30 and we have to make the most of our day. We set a 4:10 alarm again, and this time we left a little bit earlier, about 4:45 because Hanalei is a bit farther than Anahola. I think it took us about 40 minutes to drive out there. The beach was pretty empty, only two other photographers were out there and they weren't in our way for the most part.
Sorry, this is gonna be a boring post because I didn't realize that I didn't bust out my camera very much on this day...so you goin get plenty Hanalei Pier pics! haha.
Once again, the sunrise was uneventful. Geez, how do you know when you'll get a beautiful red sunrise?!?! I want to know the secret!

This is the pic I posted on Instagram. I think it turned out pretty cool.

On the way back to Lihue we found a scenic lookout spot that Jalna wanted to take a few pics at. I was too lazy to get out of the car so I took pictures of the chickens instead...

It was back to Tip Top for some pancakes and another power nap. Koloa was pretty close by (I think it was 8 miles away) so we didn't need to head out too early. It was a pretty small town, very touristy and I only took pictures of the chickens over there too. I can't believe how many there are!!

We took our time, ate a quick lunch then headed to the airport. We had a fun time Kauai! Hope to see you again!

Sunday, July 10, 2016
Kauai Day 2
Friday, July 8, 2016
Anahola, Hanapepe, Waimea, Kapaa

Anahola, Hanapepe, Waimea, Kapaa
In case you're wondering why it's taking me so long to blog it's because the wi-fi at the hotel was total crap. It would've taken me hours just to put together one days worth.
Ok. So we woke up at the crack of dawn so we could catch the 6 am sunrise. I think we woke up at 4:10 to leave the hotel a little before 5. We were kinda weary because we weren't sure how safe it was going to be. We were pleasantly surprised that no one even took a second look at us. There were a couple of cars there but I don't think we even saw a single person till 5:45. Unfortunately there was no spectacular sunrise but at least it didn't rain and we didn't get mugged.

After the sunrise shoot we headed back to Lihue for some breakfast at Tip Top Cafe. On the way back we saw this sign at one of the Kapaa beaches. Had to pay my respects...it's been almost six years since he has passed away and there's still a strong presence here :(

After breakfast we went back to take a power nap since nothing is open this early in the morning. Our next stop was Taro Ko Chips in Hanapepe. We called in an order for 20 bags last week so we had to pick up our stash. I loved Hanapepe. It was such a cute little town, it felt like we traveled back in time.

I refused to sit on these chairs so Jalna volunteered instead. I woulda felt so bad if I broke one of them!

Jalna made some new friends. This is Stanley on the left, Dale on the right. They were quite intimidating at first but then Jalna softened them up and they ended up being very nice

Here's a funny story...I have a friend that I workout with at the gym, his name is Ryan. He has a lot of family on Kauai so he visits often. When I told him I was going, the first thing he says is "go to Hanapepe, stop at the Shell gas station, you can't miss it. It will be on your left hand side. Broke da mouth fried chicken, better den Zippy's!" So of course I was excited to go check it out. If you have never been to Hanapepe, it's an extremely small town. You couldn't miss the gas station if you tried. We pull up to the gas station and we're thinking, I don't think there's any chicken here, there's supposed to be a sign outside. And the store part looks really small. Jalna walks in and I swear the only thing you can buy in that place is gas and soda. We're already giggling to ourselves cause we're shame to ask about the chicken cause obviously she doesn't have any. She asks the lady at the counter and she tells us that we've probably mistaken it with the Waimea gas station. They sell chicken there. So I call Ryan and told him what she said. He insisted it was Hanapepe! We're cracking up in the car, arguing that there is no damn chicken in Hanapepe! I told him forget it, we going Waimea to go eat chicken there. No more that 3 minutes later I get a call and he's laughing on the other end...I WEN GET THE PLACES MIXED UP! WAIMEA GET THE CHICKEN, NOT HANAPEPE! We got to Waimea 5 minutes later and lo and behold look what we found:

We got lucky too. There were only 3 small pieces left in the warmer. It was good chicken! Especially the skin..

So the next time someone says go to Hanapepe to get some broke da mouth chicken, don't believe him!! Go to Waimea instead!
After the chicken stop we ran into a shave ice store named JoJo's, so we stopped in for a quick snack. Sorry, gotta go to Jalna's blog for those pics.
We weren't going to visit the canyon until Saturday but it was still early and we had nothing else to do so we took the trek up those windy roads. I must say, the signage going up there is pretty horrible. We took a couple of wrong turns and we also saw a lot of other cars parked on the side of the road, probably getting lost like us...but the view was pretty amazing once we finally got up there.

Jalna regrets not getting a haircut before she came on this trip...you'll see why in a later post :)

I forgot to mention...I swear there are more chickens than people on this island. It's pretty funny. You see them EVERYWHERE!! And it's so strange, I think i've seen a 5:1 ratio of roosters to hens. Yikes!

We found out before we left that Kapaa held their Bon Dance on Friday night. We told ourselves if we weren't too tired and if it wasn't raining that we'd check it out. I'm glad we did. So cute!

When we told people that we might go, the first thing that came out of everyone's mouth is "Flying saucers!" I had no idea what the heck it was but they said it was a sloppy joe type of sandwich pressed between two pieces of bread. I guess it's a Kauai thing. A must buy if you go to a bon dance. I think it was $3. It was pretty good!

They also mentioned a Pronto Pop, a corndog with a homemade batter. I liked it! I think this was $3 too.

Chinese pretzels for $5/bag

I also bought a 2 pack mochi for $1.50 but I forgot to take a picture of it

It seems like the whole town showed up!

You see those clouds in the background? Those aren't happy clouds. It started to rain so we left early.

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