Jenny, my girlfriend for about a hundred years is starting up a new company with her very talented sister Denise selling stamps!! These are the cutest things...Jenny has been blogging about Denise's drawings for awhile now and she got such fantastic feedback they decided to market it. You can check out Jenny's blog or the new Sister Stamps blog to find out more information. If you go to the Sister Stamps blog, you can also try your luck at winning some blog candy!!
Justin is my co-worker Iris' nephew. He just graduated from Mid-Pacific Institute and will be heading off to Kansas in the fall to start his freshman year at college. This was one HA-UGE graduation party. I think there were about 500 people there (yikes! I don't even know 500 people!!) to help him celebrate. Here he is with his hard working mom Renee...I have no idea how she pulled this one off!
Justin was selected to an unheard of 3 years All-State baseball team (supposedly the first 3-year recipient from Mid-Pac!). For being such an accomplished athlete, and still a teenager, I was VERY impressed how humble and polite he was. I've met him before but only in passing, so I never really talked to him. When I showed up to the party he approached me to thank me and give me a hug. So cute yah? I had to take pictures of him with all of his guests and he never complained once nor did he seem like he was bored or annoyed. His mom and dad must be very proud...
Renee and her crew made 600 cake pops!! Geez, I guess I can't complain anymore about having to make too many pops!
There was also a candy "bar"
Plus all the favors and centerpieces...
Da Bruddahs
Let's hear it for the bartenders!!
There were waay too many pictures to post so if you want to see the rest of the pics (or look for your own), go here.
Ok, so Cathy picked out a cute park to take the girls for their photo shoot. One problem. Mother Nature sucks. She just teased us over and over again. It would rain, then it would be sunny, rain, sun, rain, sun...Jalna and I even drove over there hoping that it would be dry enough to grab a few quick shots. Nope. Nada. What to do, what to do??
Cathy's house had good lighting so we decided to just take the pictures there. Here's a few of their head shots:
Happy Birthday Kyra! Hope you guys had a fun time!!