Saturday, September 25, 2010
Pali Lookout
CQ and the gang gathered together to hike down the Pali Lookout and then down into Maunawili yesterday. Jalna and I had other obligations so we weren't able to go on the Maunawili portion of the hike...maybe we gotta go back someday. Make sure you check out
Jalna's pics, she has a beautiful picture of me next to some kind of speed bump thingy. I don't want to brag, but I think this one's a keeper. Here she is looking for the perfect place for our group shot (oh yah the group shot is on her blog too...):

The two criminals caught in the act

Jalna. Head degenerate. Don't mess with her.

Bye bye everybodeee! See you on Monday! Geez, they just left us in the dust! hahaha!

A perfect day to go on a hike...

Shouldn't someone come and take care of this trail that nobody's supposed to go on? It made my legs all itchy!

Where the heck is she going?

She's trying to find ways to hide out at weddings that she's not invited to so she can slyly snap some pictures of the bride

Can anybody tell me where this road goes? It looks kinda spooky!

There were these little drainage holes on the bridge and when I happened to look down one I saw all the cars driving up the Pali. Neat yah!

Where is she going now??

Hidden Honolulu?

This is the beginning of the Maunawili trail. We decided to stop here and head back up to the car