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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dylan's Christmas Program

Friday, December 18, 2009
Kailua United Methodist Church

Dylan had his first Christmas program tonight. He attends KUMC preschool in Kailua. This program was really cute, and really short! I swear it only lasted about 15 minutes! This left me with a very small window to shoot, and of course, like always, I ran into problems...I hate flash photography!!

Here we are "backstage" waiting for the program to start...
Mommy and Quentin patiently waiting for the program to begin
Pastor Tom Choi
I couldn't get much of the other kids, cause as you can see, people's heads were in the way.
Our attempt at getting a family picture...
Grandma and Grandpa Terada
Dylan's teacher, Mrs. T


Betty Townsend said...

Great pictures!! Watching little ones is always very enjoyable!!

Les said...

thanks Betty! They were soooo cute!!